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Team Talk Odette! #116 - Have Courage in Yourself
August 02, 2013

A few weeks ago, I said how much I loved yoga and recently I have been taking even more classes to push both my mind and my body.

Just like in ballet, there are many positions in yoga you have to hold until your body feels it wants to give up.

To push past your breaking point, it is your mind that will eventually win the race. You need to have courage and be mentally strong to reach beyond your comfort zone.

Because, to build the strength and see yourself progress, can you give up? No!

Do not forget the essential section in my eBook "Virtue 4: Mentality" which will teach you to turn your doubts and fears into trust and certainty -

You can also read this page on how else to push yourself in ballet classes -

Keep strong and have courage in yourself.

Best wishes,


P.S - The quote of the day is: “Courage: the most important of all the virtues because without courage, you can't practice any other virtue consistently.”

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