Ballet Pointe Shoes - Perfect Turns

by Brooklyn

Ballet Pointe Shoes - Perfect Turns

Hi I was just wondering if there were any tricks on Pirouettes and Chaines. I started pointe a couple months ago and want to perfect my turns. Also, I have been working hard to get my whole box of my toe on the floor when I tendu, are there any stretches that will help me with that? I have taken ballet for almost eleven years and I am 13 but I wasn't able to take pointe until this year because of the prices, is there anything that would help me catch up? Thanks and Please reply!!


Reply by Odette
To:- Ballet Pointe Shoes - Perfect Turns

ballet pre-pointe
Remember, just like I did before I went en pointe, ballet students MUST take responsibility for their own strengthening prior to beginning pointe work.
Australian dancer, Lisa Howell has made a video which explains how pre-point strengthening works.
Don't leave it to your teacher!
You can watch this pre-pointe video
yourself here
(just wait for the page to load up then the video is on the top right of the page).

Hello Brooklyn,

Thank you for contacting me it is great to hear from you. In the video above, Australian dancer, Lisa Howell has made a video which explains how pre-point strengthening works. If you are worried about catching up in pointe work, and need to follow some clear guidance to help with starting pointe work, then Lisa Howell gives some superb tips for pre pointe.

Pirouettes and Chaines can feel quite tricky to begin with, especially on pointe, but with practice and corrections you can perfect your turns. Pirouettes are a lot to do with balance and co ordination, to begin with practice just a releve to retire on pointe several times before you do the turn so you can find where your balance is. Next, for your turn, make sure you think about the whole body moving together for the turn so the arms move with the legs in the position of a pirouette. If you grasp this co ordination it will help you turn more easily. Always keep lifting upwards whilst you turn and imagine someone is pulling you towards the sky.

For Chaines, the movement of the turns should be very quick with your legs held closely together. It is really important to keep spotting with your head, as this can help bring you round for each turn. Also, do not leave your arms behind so keep them in a first position and bring your shoulders around with you. Often, your sides can be left behind and this slows the momentum for the turn.

To improve your pointe in tendu, you can practice with a thera band to build up more strength in your feet. These latex resistance exercise band (also known as a thera band) can help improve your arches and you can do some great exercises with the bands. By just simply pointing and stretching your feet against the band, the resistance can build strength and help you for pointe work. Look at my Physical Therapy Equipment for more guidance.

Best wishes,

ps. To become the best dancer you can be, learn the Seven Secrets ..... go to my 'Seven Secrets of Ballet' page

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