Career Development Plan - Ballet Summer Intensives

by Ally

Career Development Plan - Ballet Summer Intensives

Hello Odette,
I am currently the worst one in my ballet class but i want to improve so I have decided to go to summer intensives this summer to get better. My dance teacher suggested a few like Kansas city ballet, but i'm not sure if I could get in, I would really appreciate it if you could give me some really hard intensives that a bad dancer could get into. I would like one that requires audition but if not its okay! I am willing to work very hard and give it all I got! Also this is my first intensive so my mom is worried we live in Colorado so could it not be more than 3 or 4 states away. Thank you so much You are an inspiration!


Reply by Odette
To:- Career Development Plan - Ballet Summer Intensives

Hi Ally,
Thank you for your message, it's great to hear from you. It is a very good idea for your teacher to suggest doing a summer intensive. You learn so much from the classes and it is great experience to be taught by different teachers.

Even if you do not feel the strongest in your class, you must keep working hard and focus on yourself to improve. Every dancer improves at different times, so if this is your time where you need to always push that bit more then keep going with your full determination.

It can be hard to be accepted into summer intensives no matter how good you are, because there are so many young dancers who apply. However, you might as well give yourself the best chance by applying for a different range of places.

I have spent some time researching around your location of Colorado and I came across a few places which you could look into. Each of them has a separate website which gives a lot of information on their summer intensives, so it is worth taking a look -

Ballet Nouveau Colorado

State Street Ballet

Colorondo Ballet Academy

Then, further away from Colorado there is -

Ballet Arizona School

Salt Lake Ballet

You can research online and look at the standard of these places, to see whether you think you could have a chance for their programs.

Keep in touch!
Best wishes,

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by: Anonymous

Thank you so much that was very helpful

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